i am most like Tenna - What The????
You're an extrovert!
What JTHM Character are you?
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uhh i never thought of myself as an extrovert but maybe my sex talk makes me so.
Ok so a lot has happened. I am not very good at this keeping this up to date thing. Here is a quick summary of the stuff that has been happening.
I started my field study. I was at Moffet elementary school for 4 weeks. That school is k-5. It was nice. I taught several times. I had a hard time getting the kids to listen to me. I had some disagreements with the librarian there. Now I am on school number 2 Masterman. I will be there for 8 weeks total. This is my second week. It is going well so far. I am developing a collection for a new class that was mandated by the state, African American history. it has been neat so far.
I got a promotion or something that means that I have a different job and make some more money. It is sort of weird. I supposedly started yesterday but nothing has changed as of now. I will be working for IRT (computer department at Drexel) still but in a different group. I am going to be a web/portal administrator.
I put up my new webpage. I am still working on it but I was sick of not having it up so it is there with all of its flaws. I like it.
One of my teeth broke and I had to get it pulled out of my head. I am good at going all the way with things I mean it was like totally cracked in half and irreplaceable. So now it is gone and I am preparing for an implant. My next appointment is December 8 and then 6 weeks after that I will get the final part done. Super.